Ergoline Open Sun 550
The Open Sun 550’s open air design with its A.R.T. Advanced Reflective Tanning System achieves the highest tanning results and is perfect for people who dislike the “closed-in” feeling of traditional beds. Air Condition Plus keeps tanners comfortable and the Multi Relax base acrylic has a wide shape and includes an integrated headrest, relaxing armrests, and variable footrests.
The Ergoline Open Sun 550’s intuitive control panel is easy to reach and in view of the customer. The canopy cockpit grip makes closing the canopy effortless. In addition, the Open Sun 550 comes equipped with important safety standards. Once turned on, the two high-pressure facial tanning systems will shut off in case any objects fall into, or are placed on those units. The Open Sun 550 also includes a Voice Info function to remind tanners of this safety feature.